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Space masks – interstellar relaxation!

Space masks – interstellar relaxation!

5th February 2021

From the moment you open the box and read how to use the mask, you will be temptingly invited on a journey of relaxation. These incredible (single use) masks gently warm, and scented with jasmine, give the most relaxing, “interstellar” experience. 

You also have an option to add a Spacemask to your treatment in the salon. Imagine the sensation of laying back in your comfy chair during your pedi massage with a soothing, warm Spacemask on – taking your treatment to the next level! 

£15 for a box of 15 Spacemasks. 

Available at our in-salon retail boutique and online shop

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Make The World A More
Beautiful Place

We believe that the secret to happiness is helping others. Acts of kindness not only help you feel good about yourself but they positively impact other peoples lives and thats whats really important. Find out how we are trying to change the world one act of kindness at a time and see how you can get involved.

Don’t hide behind the mask

3rd June 2020

If you’ve ever visited Beauty at the Bay, you’ll know that the service we provide is so much more than ‘just’ a beauty treatment. We work so closely with people, so intimately, that relationships are built and often last a lifetime. 

The very nature of a therapist, certainly a good one – means that we care…we genuinely care, about you our client and wether its your first visit or your hundredth, you’ll be warmly welcomed like a friend. 

The true beauty of our job is the interaction we have with you. We go through and experience highs and lows with you: we’ve done your make up for your wedding, you’ve trusted us to pierce your daughters ears for the first time, we’ve hosted your baby shower, we’ve painted your toes when your pregnant belly meant you could not reach and in the sadder times, we’ve listened to you cry when you tell us your boyfriend troubles (and given you a hug!) and painted your nails for a funeral – we’ve shared these important life moments with you and there is something so special about that. A precious moment in time. 

It was with the close and unique relationship of therapist/client in mind that the course ‘Behind the mask’ was developed. 

We can on occasion find ourselves in situations far out of our depth – like when we are told of domestic abuse.

Frighteningly, statistics reveal that 1 in 4 women will experience abuse from a partner or ex partner at some time in their life and 2 women are killed each week. 

Seeing the signs, offering kind words and providing information on how to access professional support may change someone’s life and that where our Behind the Mask training can help. 

All of the team at Beauty at the Bay have taken this course to better equip us to help should the time ever come that we are told of domestic abuse. We are well positioned to sensitively and safety refer clients (or colleagues, family and friends) to resources best placed to help them. Its as simple as that and it could save someone life. 

If you need us, we are here for you. We won’t judge, we’ll just listen and we know where to direct you to if you need our help.  

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Make The World A More
Beautiful Place

We believe that the secret to happiness is helping others. Acts of kindness not only help you feel good about yourself but they positively impact other peoples lives and thats whats really important. Find out how we are trying to change the world one act of kindness at a time and see how you can get involved.

For the love of Scrubs

3rd June 2020

It’s in the darkest of times That some people dig deepest and find the greatest ability to help others. Our manager Hannah and her twin sister Emily, of Emily Craven Interiors are certainly two people that this stands true for. 

During lockdown they have spent a lot of their time producing scrub and scrub bags for the NHS. Between them they have produced hundreds of items that were needed in the fight against Covid 19. It was a pleasure that Beauty At The Bay could pay for the postage and packing to ensure that these items got to where they were needed the most – some of them we have even doorstep drop delivered to our brave wonderful clients working on the front line! 

We ❤️ NHS 

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Make The World A More
Beautiful Place

We believe that the secret to happiness is helping others. Acts of kindness not only help you feel good about yourself but they positively impact other peoples lives and thats whats really important. Find out how we are trying to change the world one act of kindness at a time and see how you can get involved.

Know your product

3rd June 2020

If you follow us on social media, you will see that we have have started to sell our products online.

If you are interested in making a purchase, you can either do so directly through our online shop or message us on any of our social channels and we can arrange delivery.

We are currently offering free drop-offs in the local area. Alternatively we can arrange a safe curb-side collection from the salon.

If you require more specific advice on skincare, please communicate with us through any of our social channels and we can go through a personalised consultation and a recommend bespoke routine. We have also been offering face-to-face consultations via Zoom.

Please do not hesitate to get in contact with us if this is of interest.

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Make The World A More
Beautiful Place

We believe that the secret to happiness is helping others. Acts of kindness not only help you feel good about yourself but they positively impact other peoples lives and thats whats really important. Find out how we are trying to change the world one act of kindness at a time and see how you can get involved.

Caring for Kevin

3rd June 2020

If you’re a regular to us at Beauty At The Bay then you will know that we look out for the local homeless man Kevin.

Kevin has long held a special place in our hearts and we have always done what we can to care for him; making him coffee daily and keeping him topped up with his favourite beef pot noodles. He has the kindest heart and if you see him around he’ll always give you a friendly wave.

In light of the pandemic which has brought us all to a standstill, we wanted to make sure that he was still cared for and so we have set up a filing cabinet at the side of the salon and filled it with his favourite treats so that he doesn’t go without whilst we are in lockdown.

The Bay girls and I have popped past regularly to drop off goodies and to keep the cabinet full. I also want to give a special mention to our apprentice Millie, Who has really gone above and beyond, walking 45 minutes from her home as her daily exercise, bringing fresh food every single week.

We have been overwhelmed to see that our wonderful clients and salon neighbours have also worked hard to keep it topped up too. In recent weeks fresh bottles of water, clean clothes and shoes have appeared. To those of you who donated, I thank you and as always Kevin is extremely grateful.

Whilst lockdown continues we shall continue to provide this care for Kevin. We miss you all and cannot wait to see you when we are informed it is safe to open. Until then stay safe and we will see you on the other side

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Make The World A More
Beautiful Place

We believe that the secret to happiness is helping others. Acts of kindness not only help you feel good about yourself but they positively impact other peoples lives and thats whats really important. Find out how we are trying to change the world one act of kindness at a time and see how you can get involved.